Family Volunteer Policy
Bloomington Youth Hockey (BYH) is a volunteer-based organization. Volunteers are necessary and essential for BYH to provide a great atmosphere for our players. Four (4) hours are required per family. Members have the option to volunteer time in a selected capacity or pay an opt-out fee of $250 per family (payable during registration). All families will need to volunteer or pay the opt-out fee.

At the time that families accept the offer of a roster spot they will commit to pay the $250 volunteer buyout fee if the volunteer hours are not met. If the family has not completed their four (4) hours by February, the organization treasurer will add the $250 volunteer buyout fee to their account. Many volunteer options are available. Any questions about volunteering, about any of the listed position duties, or this program should be directed to the club treasurer.
- BYH Board
- Team Manager or Treasurer
- Registrar, Ice Scheduler, Marketing, Communications, Uniform coordinator, etc.
- Score sheet, penalty box, clock, Facebook live, etc.
- Support for events or fundraisers
- Help at conditioning clinic, tryouts or check-in at various events